There was an error while trying to process your payment. Please check your payment details below and try again. If you continue to experience issues please contact
Your Pledge Total: $75.00
* A $1.50 convenience fee will be added for this transaction. This helps the group minimize expenses.

Pay with Credit Card

* A $1.50 convenience fee will be added to this donation. This helps the group minimize expenses.

Other Payment Options


It appears that we hit a snag completing your donation. If the payment was successfull, we may be able to correct this automatically on our end within the next few minutes. Please verify your donation payment via your PayPal account. If it does not appear in your account then the payment was unsuccessful. Please try making your donation again. If you have confirmed the payment appears in your PayPal account and don't see your donation on General Donations's page in the next few moments please contact us at

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